God's way or man? ~ How I read Proverbs

God's way or man? ~ How I read Proverbs

We just moved down by the river. We have enjoyed exploring the area, the Bosque, the irrigation ditches, the farms and animals, and the hiking paths. It is so neat to see how people planned out these irrigation ditches. They redirected the water from the river to flow into the different lots of land. Each section has gates that let the water flow into the fields and water the land.

God does a similar thing with us. He directs us with His truths and rules. He opens up the gates to the paths He would have us go on. He gives us boundaries and borders much the same way the walls of the canals keep the water flowing in a certain direction. If we keep to His rules, guidelines and truths our lives will flow and lead to a place of blessing and reward. If we jump out and don’t follow the boundaries and ways He has set, consequences will entice.

Proverbs shows us the two basic ways of life, God’s way or man’s way. Both have certain guidelines and rules to follow, but both have inevitable consequences and results.

My youth pastor advised us to read Proverbs everyday from the age of 15 to 25. I followed his advice and for most of those years read in the format I describe below. Even when I read or studied other books I would read my ten verses in Proverbs that day. The truths are the walls of the canal that keep me going on God’s way.


Proverbs is easy to read. It has 31 chapters. You can read one chapter a day corresponding to the day of the month. If you miss a day, just skip it and read the day of the month you are on. The first month read the chapter corresponding to the day and verses 1-10. The second month read the corresponding day and verses 11-20. The third month read the chapter of the day and the remaining verses 21-end.

When I read a book of the Bible I focus on only one thing. It helps me not feel overwhelmed. In this way I can see patterns and themes. When I focus on one topic or idea I can get an in depth view of that topic and feel like I really get it. For this reading plan the focus is Wisdom or the Wise versus Foolishness or the Fool. This is the main way Proverbs compares God’s way versus man’s. I have included questions that will help you look for and apply the information. The end goal is to use the knowledge you learn.

The other thing I do when I read a book of the Bible is read it as its genre is designed. Knowing the type of book you are reading will help you understand it better and know what to look for. Proverbs is poetry. One characteristics of Hebrew poetry is parallelism. This just means it uses repetition through comparison and contrast to explain a concept. Proverbs will repeat an idea two different ways. Or it will explain a concept by fist listing the idea and then contrasting it to the opposite idea. In this case you will be looking at the wise and the fool.

I hope you enjoy and may it help you to live Abundant and Wise Days for His glory and your good!


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