5 Boys, 5 Hours, 5 Reasons

5 Boys, 5 Hours, 5 Reasons

I haven’t been able to write much lately. This season has been so busy. We have four fall birthdays. I’ve been getting things wrapped up for the first semester of Abundant Homes. I am trying to get the spring semester planned out before all the holidays get here. Everyone but Creed is in a Christmas musical so memorizing lines and songs has been part of our routine also.

Even though it has been a few weeks I wanted to share some pictures and thoughts about our first time at the CAPE Family Retreat. We have been in the season of babies for a while now and we let that hinder us from going before.

Packing up 5 boys and driving 5 hours isn’t really enjoyable especially when you still have a baby and a toddler. But we decided to do it anyway this year and I am sure glad we did. In the midst of our busy life of kids, homeschool, work, ministry, gymnastics, and life packing up and driving was worth it. Here are five reasons why:

  1. STOP

    Getting away and stopping the routine was good for our sanity and our relationships. Life is so busy and full. Sometimes I feel like all we do is get ready for the next event. It was nice to not have to get ready for something. To just sit and enjoy each other’s company. During our stay we sat leisurely at our table after each meal and enjoyed coffee and conversations.

    TAKE AWAY: One of the simple things we took away from the retreat was coffee and conversation. The nights that we are home now, Tim and I stop, sit and have coffee and conversation after dinner.

    I love homeschooling but sometimes it wears on me. When I am in the role of mom and teacher I sometimes feel like my only relationship with the boys is an instructional one. We struggle just like everyone else. My kids don’t always want to listen to me. Our temperaments clash too! We get on each other and frustrate each other. But the retreat gave us an opportunity to have fun together. It made me realize we need more of those times regularly.

    TAKE AWAY: Since then we have taken several days during the week and gone to the park to stop and play for lunch. Something small like that has helped our relationship. I’ve learned my kids will listen to me better when I stop and play with them even when they are older.


    We usually can only afford vacations where we rent a condo or house. That means that even on vacation I have to plan meals, prepare them and clean up. Everyone helps. But still, it is something I have to do. Even going out to the pool or an a hike I have to get snacks and water bottles. The retreat included all our meals for an affordable price. We ate so well we did not need any snacks. Drinks and water were always available. When you get away you can leave some of the daily responsibilities behind, meals, cleaning, laundry, etc. Being able to put responsibilities aside was so refreshing!

    TAKE AWAY: Always save for vacations or retreats!


    Being a homeschool mom and still having little kids means I don’t get to just stand around and talk much with other moms. I don’t get many opportunities to sit and have coffee with someone. The fellowship at the retreat was great. We were able to meet many other homeschool families, especially ones that have been doing it for years! I was so encouraged by the older women’s experience and wisdom. The teens took care of the children’s program so that adults could learn, discuss, encourage, and pray together.

    The boys also had a great time of fellowship. They met new friends and learned to play gaga ball. We couldn’t get them away! They were able to try new experiences like archery, remote control cars, boating and sleeping in their own cabin.

    TAKE AWAY: We all have new friends and resources.


There is something about being outside that just makes you happy. I read the other day that spending 20 minutes outside before noon in the sunlight helps your body’s clock adjust to the change in darkness at night better and will help you sleep better. We spent most of our time outside, doing activities, talking, or walking. The mountains up in Cloudcroft were beautiful. I never knew there were mountains like that in southern New Mexico!  As we came down the mountain we could see the stretch of land that is White Sands in the distance.

TAKE AWAY: I try everyday to spend some time outside.


Times of being away always help me to refocus on what really matters. Being able to stop and get perspective helps me to see the things that need changed and act on them. We not only enjoyed our time but were able to adjust some things and priorities. The best decisions are sometimes made when you stop, get away, fellowship with good people, and be in God’s creation.

TAKE AWAY: We will plan to do this again next year.

In the midst of this busiest of seasons we needed to just stop and rest in God’s creation. It was good for us as a family. It was a time of rest. It was a time to reflect and refocus. It was a time to enjoy the company of like-minded people. A time to not feel alone. A time to not feel like you are constantly fighting for something. A time to breathe deep. A time to see God’s work and remember that it is all about Him, His glory, His work, His will!

May you live Abundant Days for His glory and your good!

Kristin Overman

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