The Tabernacle- A Picture of Jesus

The Tabernacle- A Picture of Jesus

Our model tabernacle.

Our model tabernacle.

My oldest son was four years old when I first went through Exodus with him. We went through the Ten Plagues, Moses, the Law and the Tabernacle. We were talking about the Holy of Holies one day. I explained how the veil created a separation between God and man. The high priest could only enter the Holy of Holies one time, once a year. “God is so holy that we cannot approach Him on our own,” I said. He had to be separated and the one time the priest could enter he had to make sure he did everything right. God is so holy he can’t be around sinful man unless we are cleansed from our sin.” We then turned to the New Testament to read what happened to the veil when Jesus died. “The veil was torn in two. Jesus death opened the Holy of Holies so that man could approach God. He was the sacrifice that finally could appease all of God’s wrath for sin, and He made the way so that sinful man could approach the Holy God.” I finished my explanation, thinking that our Bible lesson was done for the day. He looked at me with big eyes, “If Jesus tore the veil so that we could approach God and not be separated then I want to be with God,” Micah said, “What do I have to do?” I had the privilege of leading my son to Christ that day and praying a prayer of confession and belief with him.

We recently studied the tabernacle again. I loop our studies every few years so that the younger ones are getting the same topics and the older ones can add to it or review. This time the focus was a little different so that Micah and Noah not only reviewed but added to their learning. I focused our study on HOW GOD REVEALS HIMSELF. In everything we study this year in Bible we are asking and answering the question, “What is God telling us about Himself? What did He want us to know about Him?

Another one of my boys was lead to the same conclusion that Micah was. God is so holy, separated from sinners, yet He wants to be with us. He so wants to be with us that He made a way to approach Him, first through the tabernacle (and law) and then through Jesus. Just a few days ago another of my boys asked Jesus to come live in him!

The tabernacle is the first way God made for man to have communication and dwelling with Him. It also is a picture of the ultimate way God dwelt with man through His perfect image, Jesus Christ. And it gives us a glimpse of the final way we will dwell with God, in complete communion and perfection at His return and conquering.

The tabernacle is a wonderful teaching tool for salvation, for understanding God’s plan, and knowing the fullness of who Jesus Christ is. I have been in awe of God through the completeness of His plan. I have been inspired to become a better, more pure follower of Him because I am the tabernacle of  His Spirit. I have been greatly encouraged by truths my children have seen in it.

CLick on the image to download the free pdf lessons

CLick on the image to download the free pdf lessons

For a PDF of the tabernacle model click on the image to be redirected to the website.

For a PDF of the tabernacle model click on the image to be redirected to the website.

Click on the image to be redirected to for worksheets and more activities on the tabernacle.

Click on the image to be redirected to for worksheets and more activities on the tabernacle.

This Christmas season, if you have don’t have an advent study or routine, I am sharing my lessons and the resources I used. It is a ten day lesson. There is still plenty of time to do one each day before Christmas. Seeing Jesus and God’s plan in the tabernacle is a great way to prepare for the celebration of His birth. I hope it encourages, edifies, and equips you to live Abundant Days for His glory and your good.

Kristin Overman

Thumbnail picture credit to Rose Publishing Resouces- The Tabernacle Pamphlet- Purchased from for only $2.

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