Transformed or Conformed

Photo Credit: Knate Myers Photography

Photo Credit: Knate Myers Photography

I woke up at night, worrying about what would happen if we didn’t get a renter. Worrying that we were getting into more debt. We took money from our savings out for the down payment. Questions raced through my head. Did we pray enough? Did we listen to God? Were we doing what He wanted? Earlier in the year, I wrestled with similar doubts. What am I doing? No one is going to come. Who is going to listen to me? I have nothing special to share or do for others. Should I be investing so much time and energy outside our home? Yet, God has transformed this person of worry, self-doubt, and second-guessing into a more confident person in Him. Those nights of worry didn’t last long. The Bible’s gentle and calm reminder went through my head, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, in all your ways know Him.” I had asked Him, sought wisdom, sought His way, and now I would trust that the good Father had given me what I asked for. I was done worrying. For someone who has always struggled with confidence, second-guessing myself, to have complete confidence in a decision was so awesome!

This whole last year has been a journey of transformation, challenge, and risk. Tim and I have done things that are scary and pushed us to step out in faith. It started with our thinking. God has been challenging us to step out of the box, to be creative, to use what He has given us, to do His work, to work smarter so that we would have more time for the things in life that matter, like family, people, and community.

Christians should be the most creative, productive people on earth! Our God is creative, capable, and powerful! Since we are His, shouldn’t our work reflect His?

This year God has really taught us that He wants us to be creative, productive, problem-solvers, and innovators. Christians should be the most creative, productive, problem-solvers on earth!  Our God is creative, capable, and powerful! Since we are His, shouldn’t our work reflect His? I learned about Solomon’s work.  It was the envy of surrounding kings. In fact, it is said that Nebuchadnezzar took his throne when they conquered Jerusalem, and that the king of Persia recreated it because it was so unique. Solomon’s temple was also known throughout the surrounding nations. The altar of burnt offerings in the temple was 30 feet wide by 10 feet high! That’s taller than the average house! A temple that was the envy of nations around him, yet Solomon built it in a manner unlike the nations around him. Solomon’s workers were not slaves, nor worked in the same conditions. His workers likely had the Sabbath off, were likely paid, and had breaks. They were treated humanely compared to how other nations would treat their laboring classes. Solomon was productive, creative, and innovative in his work for God. He thought big plans for God and did great things for Him. He didn’t do things in the same manner as the people around him.

Tim and I have always been dreamers and had great plans.  Wouldn’t you love to travel to this place? Have a home in this place? Many times on a date we will talk about plans. Then we go searching for empty buildings for a restaurant, a place to set up a homeless ministry, an education center or a gym. In this last year God challenged us to get past the dreaming to the doing. It started with simply believing that God could do the things He put on our heart.

What has God uniquely gifted me to do, that He wants to uniquely use me to do?

Tim asked me one day, “What has God uniquely gifted me to do, that He wants to uniquely use me to do?  God believes in individualism. He created each person unique and special. Solomon was to build a temple (I Kings 8). Jeremiah was set apart from His mother’s womb to prophesy (Jeremiah 1). Esther was in the palace of Persia for ‘such a time as this’ (Esther 4). Paul was set apart from His mother’s womb to preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 1). Rahab demonstrated her faith to saved her family from destruction (Joshua 6). The same principle applies to us today. God made us unique and has a unique plan and work for each of us to walk in. Ephesians 2:10 says He created us for works that He prepared for us beforehand to do. All He asks us is to be available. He gives the ability, the gift, and the power!

For me it started two years ago, after I had Thaddeus. I was so sick during my pregnancy and spent a lot of time on bedrest. My life completely stopped for months. I just survived. I did the bare minimum, teach the kids, and make meals. During that time I told God that if He would get me through I would be available. I would be available to do whatever He wanted me to do.

Dear God, “I am available”.

So this past year, we jumped in the water. I love the story of Peter walking on the water. I remember during the time I was sick calling my brother and he was telling me about this story. The disciples were in a boat at night. Jesus came to them at the fourth watch of the night . The fourth watch was 3-6 am.  It was the last part of the night, the part where they would have been the most tired. Peter steps out of the boat, his feet touch water and he starts to walk on a liquid. Peter is doing the same ‘work’ Jesus is doing, until he takes his eyes off of Jesus. Peter is physically tired. It’s early morning and he’s been out all night in a boat. He might have been emotionally drained because Scripture says the disciples were terrified because they thought Jesus was a ghost. Sometimes there is nothing more to do, the talk has to end, the faith must begin. The first step has to be taken. And many times that step is taken in weakness, discouragement, or at the end of our rope.

I can tell you there were a lot of reasons for us not to do things this year. We bought another house when we have still have other debt. We are still paying off medical bills and credit cards from the time I was really sick. We have never had so much responsibility to those dependent on us. In the last year we had our fifth child, five boys to provide for, support, and educate. The year 2018 brought us also the opportunity to start a ministry for families, Abundant Homes. I’ll tell you that I doubted whether I should be doing Abundant Homes. I had a new baby, was homeschooling four others, and my recovery with Creed was really hard. I had a complication from his birth. This last spring I suffered through adrenal fatigue. But yet, God called us out into the waters. A phrase I had heard from my youth leader on a mission trip kept popping up in my head,

“Be transformed with the uncomfortable or be conformed with the comfortable,”. God transforms us with the uncomfortable. If you aren’t challenged, you likely aren’t changed.  

Romans 12:1-2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable, and perfect.” It starts with our thinking. But the test is in the practice. As we are transformed in mind we can better know God’s will for our lives and do it.

Tim and my desire is to give back to the Lord. We want to give our money, time and our resources for His work. It’s all His. We are His stewards. Charles Studd, a missionary, wrote a poem with this repeated phrase,

“Only one life, twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Conforming to the world will bring me nothing lasting. The lasting things are those that challenge and transform me.

I am  excited for 2019, to be available to God, to do His work, and to continually be transformed to His likeness, not living for myself, but for Him! May this new year be one of transformation and trust in God so that you may live Abundant Days for His glory and your good!

Kristin Overman

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