Today we dedicated Creed, our six month old, fifth, little boy. People ask me how I am doing with five kids. And sometimes I feel like telling them, “”Blessed, but Drowning!” Tim and I have had a lot going on lately. One night we just needed a brain break so we watched the comedian Jim Gaffigan. He was talking about fatherhood and he said, “Do you want to know what it is like to have a fourth (kid)? Just imagine you’re drowning and then someone one hands you a baby.” I laughed so hard that I started to cry which was exactly what I needed at that moment. But he described exactly how I feel at times. By the way, Jim Gaffigan has five kids now!


When Tim and I were dating we discussed children and we both wanted four. God had different plans. It was very clear to us last year that we were to have another child. As we go through the baby stage once more there are moments where I think, “I really don't want to do this again.” I don't really enjoy sleep training, crying in the car seat, doing things with one hand, exhaustion, teething, and toddler fits.  At the same time I know it's just a season. The bad will pass but so will the good. There are things that I am enjoying again, the fat cheeks and legs, the cuddles and kisses. As I reflected on babies and small children, I thought of all the things I'm going to miss. All the things that make being a mom of young children so special.


Here is my MOMMY TOP TEN

  1. THE CRAZY DESIRE -The desire to have babies. I love that no matter how painful labor is, miserable pregnancy can be at times, and exhausting raising children is, moms want to do it again. I'm glad I've gone through it five times. Each time has been special. Each time I’ve learned something different.

  2. THE STORY AND BIRTH- The best days of my life were when each of my babies were born. Even when we were adopting and I thought I would never have a physical birth story, I knew I would have an adoption story of how God would bring my baby to me. I love hearing both adoption and birth stories. I realize not everyone has had the magical birth stories. But I can understand the pain and grief of the hard stories. The first baby I thought would be mine, I held and named. I never will forget his little face. We were adopting him. I had to leave the hospital and give him back to his birth mother at the end of the day. I never got to take him home. Even the hard stories are part of us. They can make us stronger, compassionate, and grateful for the good stories.

  3. NEWBORN - Tim and I call this the  “floppy head stage”. We both have loved when their little bodies just curl up and fall asleep on you anywhere and at any time.

  4. BABY FACES-  There is nothing so sweet as having little conversations with my babies. The little cooing sounds they make melt my heart. Babies make these great, big, open mouth smiles. You don't have to even do much, just raise your voice or blink your eyes. But my favorite, is the way they look at me. Those baby eyes look at their momma like I am the greatest thing in the whole world! Motherhood can totally build your self-esteem!

  5. BABY EXCITEMENT- It’s so fun when they start to recognize the routines and normal things around them.  They show their excitement by flailing their arms and legs like crazy. It’s so adorable! My boys did this when they would hear the bath water turn on, or when they would see me first thing in the morning. Creed does this when he sees food.

  6. THE TODDLER WALK- I have a two year old right now also. One of my favorite things about toddlers is their waddle. There isn't anything much cuter than chubby legs waddling when they run. I actually will tell Thaddeus, “show me how fast you can run,” just so I can see his waddle.

  7. THE TODDLER TALK - My background is in language so I love seeing how language is learned. Toddlers are the best language learners. They use the rules of language without exceptions,“I eated my food.” I'll never forget their precious phrases like “hold you.”  Thaddeus realized the he's supposed to say me, so he says, “hold you me.”

  8. GOOD NIGHT,  GOOD MORNING- In our home Tim does bed time. It's his special time with the boys. But, I like to go in and lay with them before they go to sleep sometimes. When they are still little and don’t talk much, I replay their day for them (a language learning tool). Doing this kind of programmed them to tell me about their day and what they are thinking. We’ve had some of the best conversations during these times. Sleepy morning times are special too. The older ones get up and do their thing now. But the little ones will still come lay with me in the morning and help me wake up. I know this won’t last forever so I soak it up!

  9. I AM… This is one of the greatest parts of being a mom, discovering who your child is, their personality, their strengths, likes, preferences, worries and fears. I have loved getting to know the little people each of my boys are. But it also means dealing with temperament weaknesses, sins, and flaws. It’s a hard part of motherhood.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Micah loves gymnastics. He is so athletic. He can try any sport and pick it up pretty fast. I knew this, when at six months old he would go down the slide by himself. Micah loves people. If it were his choice he would spend all day, every day with people. He makes sure everyone is included and no one is left out. Sometimes his drive and inclusiveness becomes perfectionism and people-pleasing..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Noah is my creative artist and thinker. He has made mail boxes from card board, created board games, and written songs. He's also the one who wanted to see what happens when you put a hanger in the socket or crayons down the sink. His thinking and creativity can go too far sometimes. He loves people like Micah but shows it with tenderness and thoughtfulness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Josiah is my music lover. He loves choir, singing, and listening to music. He’s constantly changing what his favorite song is. He is also my prayer warrior. Whenever something is wrong he will stop whatever he's doing and pray. I was struggling one day with the younger two. I called Tim in frustration and discouragement. To my surprise my husband said, “you need to stop what you're doing and have Jojo pray.” He did! Josiah cares for people. He does not like to see them suffer. Sometimes it leads to worry and fear. But I pray God will use him to heal. His name means “Jehovah heals.”                                                                                                                                                                                    Thaddeus is bold and fearless, both a strength and weakness. He is our only kid that when at a restaurant will address the waitstaff without our prompting, “lady, I please have mac and cheese.”  I think him and Noah might lead a revolution some day. They are so strong willed and think so way outside the box they can't see it! He never stops moving even when sleeping. As a baby he was so unhappy until he could move. I rejoiced when he started to crawl! He has cruised down our stairs on his belly at superhero speed since he was on all fours.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Creed we've only known a few months. But already we know that he is easy going, loves food and is not picky, which after Thaddeus is such a blessing! He has a sweet personality which after three very strong-willed, stubborn ones is a much appreciated gift from God!  As you can see I love learning the unique person God has made them.

  10. THE ULTIMATE JOY - Proverbs 10:1 says,“A wise son makes a father glad, But a foolish son is grief to his mother.” There is such joy when your children actually do what you've said or taught them. When you start to see the hard work and time you’ve put in start to pay off there is such gladness. There is reward when you see them follow in the way you've pointed. When the response of “you're a mean mom,” turns into “Yes mom”, it makes a mommy’s day! 

  11. MOTHERHOOD + BROTHERHOOD This one is related to #10. I’ve had the privilege of seeing some of my boys become believers and I have seen the change in heart and behavior. They have become my little friends. I am still their mom and authority, but we are equals when we talk about Scripture, our problems, and life situations. We are mom and sons, but as believers we are both walking this road of life.


One of my favorite quotes that Tim reminds me of when I'm feeling discouraged as a mom:

“It is the home that lays the foundation of a child's future. And though the strength of the foundation is determined by the virtues of both parents, it is a woman who holds the key to her children's heart in the early years of childhood.” - Francois  Fenelon


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the women with a MOM's heart whether biological, adoptive, spiritual, or in waiting.

May you have abundant Days for His glory and Your good,

Kristin Leigh Overman


What are your favorite things about Motherhood?

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